Over the weekend, there was a fatal tiger shark attack in Hawaii, on the island of Maui. A 65 year old California man was attacked by what is believed to be a Tiger shark.
The description of the wounds on the man appear to be consistent with a bite from a tiger shark.
Tiger Sharks are #2 on Big Shark List
After Great Whites, Tiger sharks are the second largest among the top 5 most dangerous sharks. Tiger sharks regularly get as big as 14 feet, some grow even larger to around 18 feet.
I’ve had some experience diving with Tiger Sharks at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas and a shark of that size can do serious damage when they attack.
Tiger Sharks in Hawaii
Tiger sharks are quite common in Hawaii but attacks are quite rare. However, when attacks do occur the results can be devastating. The last fatal shark attack in Hawaii happened in 2015 when a snorkeler was attacked by a tiger shark off Maui.
Researchers have been studying tiger sharks for years in Hawaii. They even started to track their migrations with satellite tags. There is a website devoted to Hawaii tiger shark tracking.
Shark Attacks are Scary but Rare!
Some of you may be fearful about getting into the water this year, but it’s important to keep perspective. Shark attacks are extremely rare but heavily reported and sensationalized by the media.
You actually stand a better chance of winning the lottery than being attacked by a shark. You have better odds of being in car accident on the way to the beach than you do of having an encounter with a shark.
That said, sharks are wild animals and can be unpredictable. The ocean is their habitat and we are only visitors so its important to be aware of our surroundings when we’re in the water and to respect the fact that sharks live there.
Sharks Need Our Protection
Shark populations worldwide are on the decline due to over-fishing and the cruel practice of shark finning. They need our help just like the tigers, polar bears and other large predators.
Hopefully more and more states and countries will follow the example of Hawaii that earlier this year introduced added protections for sharks and rays.
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