Hey everyone, I decided to do this crazy million dollar money challenge. Basically this challenge is designed to motivate me to achieve more.
Why Do the Million Dollar Challenge?
Let’s face it, we could all use an extra million dollars right? Right! But here’s the thing that I discovered about this challenge.
It’s not just about the money. It’s about whether or not we can actually achieve our goal. After all, there are over 7 billion people on this planet and very few are millionaires. So right off the bat the odds seem to be stacked against us in this challenge.
History is full of examples of people achieving the impossible. Just think, humanity made it to the moon…and back! We eradicated deadly diseases. Just think about the Ebola outbreak a few years ago. We actually made drugs that could stop the disease. 10 years ago people thought that was impossible.
Each and every day people are moving forward and conquering the impossible. So what’s stopping the rest of us?
I believe that each and every one of us CAN DO the impossible. We just need to be motivated to do it.
A Change in Mindset
I believe that Success can be as simple as changing our mindset. Above I asked the question what’s stopping most of us from achieving impossible things? My answer was nothing…except, of course, ourselves.
We need to change our thinking to achieve great things. What stops us from succeeding is often ourselves. We say things like “I can’t do that,” “I’m not smart enough,” “I’m not good enough,” “What if I fail?”
And with those words our minds shut down and go back to the same old familiar patterns of negative thinking. The world won’t change. One person can’t make a difference. The odds are against the little guy.
These negative and self limiting thoughts are destroying our creativity.
How many times have you had a great idea but chickened out and never took action.
I have had lots of great ideas that I never took action on, only to see others do them and succeed. What stopped me from pursuing those ideas was, in hindsight, nothing more than my own self doubt. I simply didn’t believe in myself.
How many people out there think and feel the same thing? Why do we think like that? After all we are at the top of the evolutionary food chain. For thousands of years humans have been able to adapt and overcome a variety of circumstances through our resourcefulness and ingenuity.
Our ancestors created things that never existed before out of both curiosity and necessity. What’s stopping us from doing the same today?
Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Anyone can achieve great things by embracing challenges, keeping an open mind and staying positive.
How the Million Dollar Money Challenge Works
Here’s how this challenge works. First make out a check to yourself in the amount of 1 million dollars.
Next, you need to put in a date where you EXPECT to cash it. This is for real people, you need to believe that you CAN actually cash this thing.
At first you’ll probably jokingly do this and not believe for 1 second that you’ll actually be able to cash it. And that’s totally fine.
I actually felt the same way. But then my mind started to open up about the possibility of cashing this check. I started to think about HOW I could actually achieve it.
Once I started thinking HOW I might achieve this goal, suddenly it didn’t seem like a far fetched idea anymore. The more I thought and considered it, the more I thought “Why Not Me?”
Now I’m taking action…I WILL do it. And I encourage all of you to join me.
Welcome to the challenge.
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