Welcome to this piece on Making Money From Home: Myth vs. Reality. Is the whole make money from home movement for real or just another fad?
All the time we hear about everyday, average people just like us making a killing from some online business whether its a blog, affiliate sales, drop shipping, you name it.
There is a saying that for every 1 business that succeeds, 10 businesses fail. I would say that for every online money making success story, there are thousands of failures.
I dont say that to scare any of you off, but I gotta be real. If you want to learn how to make money online then read on for some tips from my own blogging experience.
Who Wants to Make Money From Home in 2019
I recently ran a Google search analysis on the topic of “Make Money From Home 2019” and discovered something very interesting.

The regions of the United States that searched out this question were ones that faced economic hardship in some form or another.
This is not surprising since people strapped for cash are usually the most motivated to seek out new ways to earn money.
As more and more people turn to the online world to make a buck its important to separate fact from fiction.
What I learned Blogging over 5 Years

I’ll be honest with you about my experience blogging and earning money online. It’s hard to earn enough to make it all worthwhile.
It can take years to earn even a few hundred bucks a month and the worst part is that you will work your butt off and not see any results for 6 months to a year. Sometimes even longer, depending on what you choose to do to make money online.
Tip 1: Follow Your Passion
That’s why everyone says to follow your passion when trying to earn money online. If you don’t you’ll likely just give up and quit.
Even if your blogging about your passion you can still get sick of it and the lack of results.
Tip 2: You Are in Control So Take Your Time
I can’t tell you all the number of times that I thought about giving up and throwing in the towel. But here’s the thing. Unlike our day jobs, we CHOOSE what we do as a side hustle. We can put in as much time as we want or as little as we want.
There’s nothing more liberating than knowing that of all the things that we can’t control in life, we can control whether or not we want to make EXTRA MONEY and extent to which we will work towards that goal.
So if you’re plan to earn online income involves blogging, you don’t have to publish 3 times a week. If you want or need to take a break, you can. I’ve taken plenty of breaks from my blogs over the years. Sometimes I just shoot a quick post once a month. Other times I write like crazy.
Blogging is a marathon not a sprint. Those who try too hard burn out or quit, while those who play the long game do quite well.
Tip 3: Be Yourself and Do Not Follow the Crowd
In the online world to be successful you must be true to yourself. Don’t try to be like other people or try to do what others do.
Just be yourself and if you create interesting and informative posts and articles then people will seek you out.
Lots of blogging tips focus on the importance of marketing your brand: either yourself or your blog. That usually means commenting on other blog posts in your niche or writing posts for other blogs to gain exposure.
I personally hate doing those things so my strategy has been to simply write great content – whether product reviews, comparisons or other posts.
Tip 4: Focus on Writing Great Things
If you write great content the Google search bots will find you and you will get traffic to your blog or website. It just takes a bit of time. Blogging for money involves a great deal of patience.
If you want to be strategic, you can think about and create things that can’t be found on Google. One of the most popular financial blogging posts is the How to Become a Millionaire post. Run a Google search on that title and you’ll get 80 million results!
Now if I were an astute financial blogger I’d quickly realize that if my no name blog published a post with that title it would be lost among the millions of other posts like it. But what if you tweaked it a little bit? What if the title was How to Become a Millionaire in Canada? Or Alabama? Then you’re post would have considerably less competition and there would be an increase in traffic to your website.
Tip 5: Think Outside the Box
My final tip is to think outside the box and success will follow. The online world can be super weird. Wackiness sometimes works. Be different, be daring, but most of all remember to be yourself.
If you still want to give blogging a shot check out my guide on How Start a Blog.
Thanks for reading Making Money From Home: Myth vs. Reality.
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