Ever wondered how to avoid a shark attack? Here are 15 tips to avoid a shark attack.
Summer is here and as we hit the beach and venture out into the ocean, we need to be aware that sharks (surprise surprise!) live in the ocean.
The chances of being attacked by a shark are so remote that you’re more likely to win the lottery or get into a car accident on the way to the beach.
More people die of bee stings each year than shark attacks. Yet we seem to be way more scared by sharks than bees?
So here are 15 ways to keep you safe in the water and prevent a shark attack.
How to Avoid a Shark Attack

What can you do to stay safe in the water this summer? Here are some tips to avoid shark attacks from the Florida Museum:
1. Always swim in a group. Sharks most often attack lone individuals.
2. Don’t wander too far from shore. Doing so isolates you and places you away from assistance.
3. Avoid the water at night, dawn, or dusk. Many sharks are most active at these times and are better able to find you than you are to see them.
4. Don’t enter the water if bleeding. Sharks can smell and taste blood, and trace it back to its source.
5. Don’t wear shiny jewelry. The reflected light looks like shining fish scales.
6. Don’t go into waters containing sewage. Sewage attracts bait fishes, which in turn attract sharks.
7. Avoid waters being fished and those with lots of bait fishes. Diving seabirds are good indicators of such activities.
8. Don’t enter the water if sharks are present. Leave immediately if sharks are seen.
9. Avoid an uneven tan and brightly colored clothing. Sharks see contrast particularly well, so use extra caution when waters are cloudy.
10. Don’t splash a lot. Also, keep pets out of the water. Erratic movements can attract sharks.
11. Use care near sandbars or steep drop-offs. These are favorite hangouts for sharks.
12. Don’t relax just because porpoises are nearby. Sightings of porpoises do not indicate the absence of sharks. Both often eat the same foods.
13. Don’t try to touch a shark if you see one!
14. If attacked by a shark, the general rule is “Do whatever it takes to get away!” Some people have successfully chosen to be aggressive, others passive. Some yelled underwater, others blew bubbles.
15. This goes for swimmers in California and New England. Avoid areas where there are seals and if you see a seal in the water near you get out!

Well that’s it for tips to stay safe in shark infested waters.
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